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Enrollment Information

Students work on their virtual assignments

Important Note: This Request for Information Form is for you to receive information to potentially attend Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year. Upon completion of the form an administrative assistant will contact you on next steps towards enrollment. Enrollment is based on space available at Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary.

Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary School opened its virtual doors August 2021. The Jordan School District is committed to provide choices in learning for all students. 

Please complete the form below for information regarding the current 2024-2025 school year at Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary starting August 2024.

If there are families in your neighborhood who currently attend charter, home, or private schools but desire to attend Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary next year, please share the following information.

Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary offers three distinct student learning choices:

  1. Synchronous Choice - Students will follow a schedule for daily live instruction with their teachers and classmates. Curriculum instruction will be provided over video conferencing software with assignments in a learning management system designed and directed by their teacher. Parents/guardian have complete access to their students learning.
  2. Asynchronous Choice - Students complete curriculum course work independently at their own customized pace of learning. Students will work with their assigned teacher to determine a customized learning path and expectations for their learning. Curriculum will be provided in a learning management system designed and directed by the teachers. Parents/guardian have complete access to their students learning.
  3. Self-Paced Learning Choice - Students work through a personalized curriculum with their at home learning partner. Students work at the pace best fit for their learning needs and abilities.Curriculum will be provided in a learning management system designed and directed by the teachers. Parents/guardian have complete access to their students learning.

A Code of Conduct has been develop for students and families that attend Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary. The Code of Conduct are the behaviors and expectations for all individuals involved in Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary. The Code of Conduct may be found at Code of Conduct.

Additional questions about which choice is best for your student, please contact school at 801-567-8480

In addition to virtual instruction, students are invited to join the optional Peak Time program. Peak Time+ offers 2-days a week in-person hands-on, project-based learning in Science, Stem, PE, or the Arts. Intentions to participate in the Peak Time program is available on the registration form. 

Please complete the form below for information regarding the current 2024-2025 school year at Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary starting August 2024.